How to Stay Calm in Your Multitasking Lifestyle

Don’t let your relaxation and sense of calm become a thing of the past. No matter your age, having a full calendar each day can become exhausting. Getting everything done each day that you need to is important, however so is your mental health. Stress can cause bad sleeping habits, and premature aging and those are just to name a few. It can have so many negative effects on your body, so prevention is key. Staying calm and balanced in your hectic lifestyle is vital to your health. Here are a few ways to stay calm in your multitasking lifestyle:

1. Time management. 

Scheduling is important. Sticking to that schedule is just as important. Block time off on your calendar for everything, including time to relax and de-stress. If you have set a certain time aside for this, you will be more likely to follow through with it. At least an hour each day should be spent on calming your mind down and reflecting on your day.

2. Alone time.

Time by yourself is very important. It helps you to sort out your thoughts, as well as organize your day. Alone time can help you to regroup and recharge from a stressful day, especially if your job requires you to socialize all day every day. Sit by your fireplace, light some candles, and have a glass of wine. Sometimes an hour of peace is all you may need.

3. Meet deadlines and reward yourself. 

Setting a goal is great, but only if you are completing the goal. When deadlines and cut-off dates approach all at once, your stress level can go up, up, and away! Don’t let that happen. Stay calm and reward yourself with small incentives when you complete something by the deadline. Get yourself a latte and go get a mani/Pedi, because you deserve it!

4. Breathe.

You may never understand how much deep breathing exercises can help you in a stressful situation until you’ve tried them! Taking a few long deep breaths can lower negative emotions instantly. Doing different breathing techniques can also help you to sleep better and stay asleep. Research different breathing exercises and see which one fits best within your lifestyle.

5. Social time. 

Socializing is also a key to staying calm for most people. Yes, alone time is important but socializing with friends and family is also vital for your mental health. Some people may stare at a computer all day every day. So to calm their nerves they would want to chat with friends and hang out with family. Both social and alone time are keys to your mental health. It is all about balancing the two to fit into your lifestyle. Everyone is different, but whatever makes you feel the most at peace is what you should gravitate towards.

6. Treat yourself right.

Last but certainly not least. Treat yourself (mind, body, soul) right! Exercise is a great way to relieve some built-up stress. Whether it is yoga or kickboxing, any physical activity is proven to make you feel better. Having a healthy diet is also helpful and can give you the energy to feed your busy lifestyle. Whatever makes you feel good, do it but in moderation. Staying calm and keeping your stress under control can result in a happy and healthy life all around!

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